Sophia Hewson

Installation. multidisciplinary artist.

Hewson’s involvement with The Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis commenced in 2021, adding another layer to her diverse background. Her artistic journey includes being a finalist for the Ramsay Art Prize in 2019, a significant milestone alongside her residency at Residency Unlimited in New York back in 2015. Noteworthy achievements also include her selection for the Northern Centre for Contemporary Art international project in 2014 and recognition by Art Collector Magazine as one of Australia’s 50 most collectable artists in 2011.

Following her graduation with First Class Honours from The Victoria College of the Arts in 2007, Hewson embarked on a series of impactful solo exhibitions and research endeavors. These include immersive projects such as ‘Untitled (viewer as patient)’ in 2018/19, where she conducted therapeutic sessions within a gallery space, and ‘Untitled (Sleeping)’ in 2017, where her presence became the performance, sleeping in the gallery throughout the exhibition. Notable explorations also include ‘Untitled (“are you ok bob”)’, a provocative video work addressing rape representation, and ‘Untitled (Hildale)’, documenting her immersion into the FLDS cult community in Utah for 10 days in 2015.

Hewson’s artistic philosophy is deeply rooted in challenging patriarchal norms ingrained in various facets of society, including art, law, language, and economy. Her multidisciplinary approach aims to offer alternative narratives about the body, utilizing her own corporeal presence to carve out new subject positions distinct from prevailing singular ideologies.



Sophia Hewson

Resident Artist Studio

Nyora Studio Gallery


1 Nyora Road, Eltham,
Melbourne, VIC


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